Sustainability Trends to Watch in 2022

Protecting the world around us has never been so important. As awareness surrounding the climate crisis grows, an increasing number of people are embracing sustainability and taking steps to minimize their impact on the environment. But what can you do to make a difference?

If you want to live a more sustainable lifestyle, take a look at these top sustainability trends and find out how they align with your day-to-day environment and routine:

1. Sustainable Fashion

If you love to shop, then sustainable fashion is going to add a whole new dimension to your favorite hobby. A large number of brands have already introduced sustainable clothing lines, but you can expect to see even more hitting the shelves in upcoming months. 

Sustainable fashion includes clothes made from fabrics that are sourced in an environmentally friendly way, as well as vintage garments that have been given a new lease of life and even investment pieces that you’ll wear for years to come. Moving away from ‘fast fashion,’ a sustainable alternative allows shoppers to be even more creative with their look and embrace the latest trends without harming the environment. 

2. Solar Power

Fossil fuels, like gas and coal, are a major source of harmful CO2 emissions, which is why transitioning to renewable energy is a critical element of saving the environment. For most businesses and households, solar power is one of the easiest ways to use renewable energy.

When you have solar panels installed on your roof, for example, you can convert the sun’s rays into usable energy. Depending on the exact setup, you may even be able to produce enough electricity to power your home or business premises via solar power alone. With cost-effective panels and installs, switching to renewable energy could have hidden benefits too.   

With the potential to drastically reduce your carbon footprint and cut the cost of your energy bills, it’s easy to see why solar power is set to be one of the top sustainability trends. 

3. Locally Sourced Food

You might be surprised to learn just how damaging a trip to the grocery store can be to the environment, but lengthy supply chains mean that many of the products you consume have a negative impact on the environment. Instead of eating foods that are grown in a faraway location and transported via plane, boat, rail, or road, large numbers of people are choosing to buy locally grown produce instead. 

Additionally, choosing to purchase pesticide-free or organic produce can also have a positive impact on the world around you. With no harmful toxins being introduced into the soil or water, naturally produced food will be a popular way for people to live more sustainably in the future. 

4. Remote Working

Millions of people may have worked from home in response to the COVID-19 pandemic but the transition to remote work had a knock-on effect on the environment too. With fewer people commuting, pollution was greatly reduced. As well as providing workers with a better work-life balance, embracing remote working could be a relatively easy way for individuals and businesses to commit to a more sustainable routine. 

Now that technology makes it easy to operate with distributed teams, companies will have the benefit of being able to hire employees from all over the world while minimizing their carbon footprint and becoming greener. 

5. Plastic-Free Products

Plastic can be damaging to the environment because it’s so difficult to deal with once it’s discarded. As plastic doesn’t biodegrade, it continues to have harmful effects indefinitely, whether it ends up in a landfill or in the ocean.  

Fortunately, people are embracing the opportunity to choose reusable products over single-use plastics, which is helping to reduce the amount of plastic that’s currently circulating. With an increased demand for consumers, businesses are now actively seeking an alternative to non-biodegradable plastics when designing new products and packaging. In fact, seeing plastic products on local shelves could even become fairly unusual as this sustainable trend picks up speed. 

Living a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Many people assume that living more sustainably means giving things up, spending more money, or inconveniencing yourself, but it doesn’t have to. By making relatively minor changes to your lifestyle, you’ll be surprised at how easy it can be to incorporate the latest sustainable trends into your routine. 

Whether you have solar panels installed at home or at your business premises, make a conscious effort to avoid single-use plastics where possible or you begin working from home on a regular basis, introducing new sustainable trends can be an easy and convenient way to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. 



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